Anti-Spyware Resources.
Last updated: 2004.11.16
First of all, please ensure that you have updated your copy of Windows XP to Service
Pack 2. All updates are available at Microsoft's Windows Update
Here are some items important for spyware detection and removal.
You should run them in the order in which they are listed.
Eliminates many variants of CoolWebSearch, which is a browser
hijacker. CoolWebSearch works by overriding the DNS. This means that it
intercepts any URLs that you try to go to, and sends you to where it wants you
to go instead. Until fixed, you can only get to the sites you want by using their IP
addresses (like "") instead of their domain names (like
Destroys a massive variety of adware, spyware, etc. (but
not viruses). Should be used in conjunction with an antivirus such as Norton (which
destroys viruses, but not spyware). The Spybot site has a very useful
which you should use once you've downloaded Spybot from the link above.
Be sure to update it frequently -- here are
for that.
Latest Firefox release: 1.0.3!