Checking game nucleardawn... We are outdated (v120330) Latest is v20120330 Building Steam2 server cache... Done! Updating CDR...Update failed. Trying again in 30 seconds... Building Steam2 server cache... Done! Updating CDR...Update failed. Trying again in 30 seconds... Building Steam2 server cache... Done! Updating CDR...Update failed. Trying again in 30 seconds... Building Steam2 server cache... Done! Updating CDR...Update failed. Trying again in 30 seconds... Building Steam2 server cache... Done! Updating CDR...Update failed five times; giving up ¯\(º_º)/¯ pulling from searching for changes no changes found pulling from searching for changes no changes found Game: nucleardawn Gamedata: /home/gdc/sourcemod-central/gamedata/ ConVarRef nd_grenade_forcefrom_bullet doesn't point to an existing ConVar GiveNamedItem_vt - can't find, skipping RemovePlayerItem - good Weapon_GetSlot - good Ignite - good Extinguish - good Teleport - good CommitSuicide - good GetVelocity - good EyeAngles - good AcceptInput - good SetEntityModel - good WeaponEquip - good Activate - good PlayerRunCmd - good Windows offsets are wild guesses! ------------------------------------------------------ Game: nucleardawn Gamedata: /home/gdc/sourcemod-central/gamedata/ ConVarRef nd_grenade_forcefrom_bullet doesn't point to an existing ConVar s_pTempEntities - no Linux symbol, skipping GetTEName - no Linux symbol, skipping GetTENext - no Linux symbol, skipping TE_GetServerClass - no Linux symbol, skipping g_pGameRules - no Linux symbol, skipping sv - no Linux symbol, skipping SetUserCvar - no Linux symbol, skipping InfoChanged - no Linux symbol, skipping Windows offsets are wild guesses! w: CBaseTempEntity - good l: s_pTempEntities - good l: FindEntityByClassname - good w: FindEntityByClassname - good w: CreateGameRulesObject - good l: g_pGameRules - good l: sv - good l: EntityFactory - good w: EntityFactory - good l: FireOutput - good w: FireOutput - good ------------------------------------------------------ Game: nucleardawn Gamedata: /home/gdc/sourcemod-central/gamedata/ ConVarRef nd_grenade_forcefrom_bullet doesn't point to an existing ConVar EndTouch - good FireBullets - good GetMaxHealth - good GroundEntChanged - good OnTakeDamage - good PreThink - good PostThink - good Reload - good SetTransmit - good ShouldCollide - good Spawn - good StartTouch - good Think - good Touch - good TraceAttack - good UpdateOnRemove - good Use - good VPhysicsUpdate - good Weapon_CanSwitchTo - good Weapon_CanUse - good Weapon_Drop - good Weapon_Equip - good Weapon_Switch - good Windows offsets are wild guesses! l: IEntityFactoryDictionary - good w: IEntityFactoryDictionary - good ------------------------------------------------------