Checking game tf... Expecting version 4218712 Using filelist: 'server.txt'. No username given. Using anonymous account with dedicated server subscription. Connecting to Steam3... Done! Logging anonymously into Steam3... Done! Using Steam3 suggested CellID: 10 Got AppInfo for 232250 Got depot key for 232250 result: OK Got depot key for 232255 result: OK Got depot key for 232256 result: OK Depot 232257 (TF2 Private DS) is not available from this account. Downloading depot 232250 - TF2 Dedicated server assets Downloading depot manifest...Got CDN auth token for result: OK (expires 11/9/2017 12:33:05 AM) Initialized connection to content server (CDN) with depot id 232250 Done! 100.00% source/tf2/tf/steam.inf Depot 232250 - Downloaded 128 bytes (115 bytes uncompressed) Downloading depot 232255 - TF2 Windows server Downloading depot manifest...Got CDN auth token for result: OK (expires 11/9/2017 12:33:05 AM) Re-authed CDN connection to content server (CDN) from 232250 to 232255 Done! 28.04% source/tf2/bin/engine.dll 100.00% source/tf2/tf/bin/server.dll Depot 232255 - Downloaded 3172800 bytes (11179808 bytes uncompressed) Downloading depot 232256 - TF2 Linux server Downloading depot manifest...Got CDN auth token for result: OK (expires 11/9/2017 12:33:09 AM) Re-authed CDN connection to content server (CDN) from 232255 to 232256 Done! 00.88% source/tf2/bin/ 01.87% source/tf2/bin/ 06.81% source/tf2/bin/ 06.45% source/tf2/bin/ 11.99% source/tf2/bin/ 15.65% source/tf2/bin/ 15.25% source/tf2/bin/ 16.20% source/tf2/bin/ 15.93% source/tf2/bin/ 17.36% source/tf2/bin/ 16.51% source/tf2/bin/ 17.96% source/tf2/bin/ 20.90% source/tf2/bin/ 22.08% source/tf2/bin/ 22.36% source/tf2/bin/ 22.71% source/tf2/bin/ 23.16% source/tf2/bin/ 51.36% source/tf2/bin/ 52.92% source/tf2/bin/ 17.02% source/tf2/bin/ 56.04% source/tf2/bin/ 56.06% source/tf2/srcds_linux 100.00% source/tf2/tf/bin/ Depot 232256 - Downloaded 6920464 bytes (31169316 bytes uncompressed) Total downloaded: 10093392 bytes (42349239 bytes uncompressed) from 3 depots Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/tf/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/tf/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from source/tf2/srcds_linux... Done. checking to see if ./ exists Updating TF2Items repo Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 2eea3c4 Gamedata for 2017-10-20 TF2 update. HEAD is now at 2eea3c4 Gamedata for 2017-10-20 TF2 update. Already up-to-date. # On branch master # Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. # # Changes not staged for commit: # (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed) # (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) # # modified: tf2.items.txt # no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") Dropped refs/stash@{0} (12e0412958c938b07d8e3b003e8fb0e31ca45263) Updating VoiDeD's gamedata repo pulling from ssh:// searching for changes no changes found Updated admin-all-spec repo pulling from searching for changes no changes found Updating TF Dodgeball repo popping tfdodgeball-gdc-hack patch queue now empty abort: error: Name or service not known applying tfdodgeball-gdc-hack patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 156 with fuzz 2 (offset 85 lines). now at: tfdodgeball-gdc-hack Updating Connect repo abort: error: Name or service not known Updating WebCon repo ././ line 36: cd: /users/psychonic/gdc/webcom: No such file or directory fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git Updating TF2-Bot-Control repo Already up-to-date. Updating SMRCon repo Already up-to-date. Updating SourceMod repo Already up-to-date. Game: tf Gamedata: /users/psychonic/gdc/sourcemod-central/gamedata/ O: GiveNamedItem - GOOD. current [ w: 401, l: 405 ]. O: RemovePlayerItem - GOOD. current [ w: 273, l: 274 ]. O: Weapon_GetSlot - GOOD. current [ w: 271, l: 272 ]. O: Ignite - GOOD. current [ w: 212, l: 213 ]. O: Extinguish - GOOD. current [ w: 216, l: 217 ]. O: Teleport - GOOD. current [ w: 108, l: 109 ]. O: CommitSuicide - GOOD. current [ w: 445, l: 445 ]. O: GetVelocity - GOOD. current [ w: 140, l: 141 ]. O: EyeAngles - GOOD. current [ w: 131, l: 132 ]. O: SetEntityModel - GOOD. current [ w: 24, l: 25 ]. O: AcceptInput - GOOD. current [ w: 36, l: 37 ]. O: WeaponEquip - GOOD. current [ w: 264, l: 265 ]. O: Activate - GOOD. current [ w: 33, l: 34 ]. O: PlayerRunCmd - GOOD. current [ w: 422, l: 423 ]. O: GiveAmmo - GOOD. current [ w: 255, l: 256 ]. Windows offsets are (semi-)wild guesses! Signature offsets are wild guesses! S: FireOutput (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD ------------------------------------------------------ Game: tf Gamedata: /users/psychonic/gdc/sourcemod-central/gamedata/ O: GetTEName - no Linux symbol, skipping O: GetTENext - no Linux symbol, skipping O: TE_GetServerClass - no Linux symbol, skipping O: sv - no Linux symbol, skipping O: SetUserCvar - no Linux symbol, skipping O: SetClientName - no Linux symbol, skipping O: InfoChanged - no Linux symbol, skipping Windows offsets are (semi-)wild guesses! Signature offsets are wild guesses! S: sv (engine) - w: UNKNOWN - l: GOOD ! S: FireOutput (server) - w: MULTIPLE - l: GOOD ! current: ! w: "\x55\x8B\xEC\x81\xEC\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x53\x8B\xC1" ! l: "@_ZN17CBaseEntityOutput10FireOutputE9variant_tP11CBaseEntityS2_f" ------------------------------------------------------ Game: tf Gamedata: /users/psychonic/gdc/sourcemod-central/gamedata/ O: ForceRespawn - GOOD. current [ w: 329, l: 330 ]. O: CalcIsAttackCriticalHelper - GOOD. current [ w: 389, l: 396 ]. O: CalcIsAttackCriticalHelperNoCrits - GOOD. current [ w: 390, l: 397 ]. O: IsHolidayActive - GOOD. current [ w: 139, l: 140 ]. O: RemoveWearable - GOOD. current [ w: 431, l: 432 ]. Windows offsets are (semi-)wild guesses! Signature offsets are wild guesses! S: Burn (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: RemoveDisguise (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: Disguise (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: Regenerate (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: AddCondition (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: RemoveCondition (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: SetPowerplayEnabled (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: SetInWaitingForPlayers (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: StunPlayer (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: MakeBleed (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: IsPlayerInDuel (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: CanPlayerTeleport (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: IsHolidayActive (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD ------------------------------------------------------ Game: tf Gamedata: /users/psychonic/gdc/sourcemod-central/gamedata/ O: CanBeAutobalanced - GOOD. current [ w: 462, l: 463 ]. O: EndTouch - GOOD. current [ w: 100, l: 101 ]. O: FireBullets - GOOD. current [ w: 112, l: 113 ]. O: GetMaxHealth - GOOD. current [ w: 117, l: 118 ]. O: GroundEntChanged - GOOD. current [ w: 177, l: 179 ]. O: OnTakeDamage - GOOD. current [ w: 62, l: 63 ]. O: OnTakeDamage_Alive - GOOD. current [ w: 275, l: 276 ]. O: PreThink - GOOD. current [ w: 336, l: 337 ]. O: PostThink - GOOD. current [ w: 337, l: 338 ]. O: Reload - GOOD. current [ w: 276, l: 282 ]. O: SetTransmit - GOOD. current [ w: 20, l: 21 ]. O: ShouldCollide - GOOD. current [ w: 16, l: 17 ]. O: Spawn - GOOD. current [ w: 22, l: 23 ]. O: StartTouch - GOOD. current [ w: 98, l: 99 ]. O: Think - GOOD. current [ w: 47, l: 48 ]. O: Touch - GOOD. current [ w: 99, l: 100 ]. O: TraceAttack - GOOD. current [ w: 60, l: 61 ]. O: Use - GOOD. current [ w: 97, l: 98 ]. O: VPhysicsUpdate - GOOD. current [ w: 157, l: 158 ]. O: Blocked - GOOD. current [ w: 102, l: 103 ]. O: Weapon_CanSwitchTo - GOOD. current [ w: 269, l: 270 ]. O: Weapon_CanUse - GOOD. current [ w: 263, l: 264 ]. O: Weapon_Drop - GOOD. current [ w: 266, l: 267 ]. O: Weapon_Equip - GOOD. current [ w: 264, l: 265 ]. O: Weapon_Switch - GOOD. current [ w: 267, l: 268 ]. Windows offsets are (semi-)wild guesses! Signature offsets are wild guesses! ------------------------------------------------------ Game: tf Gamedata: /users/psychonic/gdc/sourcemod-central/gamedata/tf2.items.txt O: GiveNamedItemTF - GOOD. current [ w: 475, l: 482 ]. Windows offsets are (semi-)wild guesses! Signature offsets are wild guesses! ------------------------------------------------------ Game: tf Gamedata: /users/psychonic/gdc/sourcemod-central/gamedata/voided.txt O: EquipWearable - GOOD. current [ w: 430, l: 431 ]. O: UpdateOnRemove - GOOD. current [ w: 105, l: 106 ]. O: PlayScene - GOOD. current [ w: 225, l: 226 ]. Windows offsets are (semi-)wild guesses! Signature offsets are wild guesses! S: BroadcastVoiceData (engine) - w: GOOD - l: UNKNOWN S: CEconItemView::IterateAttributes (server) - w: GOOD - l: UNKNOWN S: CBaseClient::SendServerInfo (engine) - w: GOOD - l: UNKNOWN S: CBaseClient::SendSnapshot (engine) - w: GOOD - l: UNKNOWN S: CTFPlayer::PlayTauntSceneFromItem (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: GetSpew (engine) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD ------------------------------------------------------ Game: tf Gamedata: /users/psychonic/gdc/sourcemod-central/gamedata/ O: IsValidObserverTarget - GOOD. current [ w: 383, l: 384 ]. Windows offsets are (semi-)wild guesses! Signature offsets are wild guesses! ------------------------------------------------------ Game: tf Gamedata: /users/psychonic/gdc/sourcemod-central/gamedata/ O: GetServerClass - GOOD. current [ w: 9, l: 10 ]. O: GetDataDescMap - GOOD. current [ w: 11, l: 12 ]. O: Spawn - GOOD. current [ w: 22, l: 23 ]. O: AcceptInput - GOOD. current [ w: 36, l: 37 ]. O: Think - GOOD. current [ w: 47, l: 48 ]. O: OnTakeDamage - GOOD. current [ w: 62, l: 63 ]. O: StartTouch - GOOD. current [ w: 98, l: 99 ]. O: Touch - GOOD. current [ w: 99, l: 100 ]. O: EndTouch - GOOD. current [ w: 100, l: 101 ]. O: UpdateOnRemove - GOOD. current [ w: 105, l: 106 ]. O: Teleport - GOOD. current [ w: 108, l: 109 ]. O: GetClientEyeAngles - GOOD. current [ w: 131, l: 132 ]. O: FVisible - GOOD. current [ w: 142, l: 142 ]. O: GetSoundEmissionOrigin - GOOD. current [ w: 150, l: 151 ]. O: VPhysicsTakeDamage - GOOD. current [ w: 158, l: 159 ]. O: VPhysicsGetObjectList - GOOD. current [ w: 164, l: 165 ]. ! O: StudioFrameAdvance - CHANGED. old [ w: 190, l: 191 ]. new [ w: 193, l: 194 ]. ! O: Weapon_Equip - CHANGED. old [ w: 261, l: 262 ]. new [ w: 264, l: 265 ]. ! O: WeaponSwitch - CHANGED. old [ w: 264, l: 265 ]. new [ w: 267, l: 268 ]. ! O: Weapon_GetSlot - CHANGED. old [ w: 268, l: 269 ]. new [ w: 271, l: 272 ]. ! O: RemovePlayerItem - CHANGED. old [ w: 270, l: 271 ]. new [ w: 273, l: 274 ]. ! O: ShouldGib - CHANGED. old [ w: 286, l: 287 ]. new [ w: 289, l: 290 ]. ! O: OnTakeDamage_Alive - CHANGED. old [ w: 272, l: 273 ]. new [ w: 275, l: 276 ]. ! O: Jump - CHANGED. old [ w: 330, l: 331 ]. new [ w: 334, l: 335 ]. ! O: PreThink - CHANGED. old [ w: 332, l: 333 ]. new [ w: 336, l: 337 ]. ! O: PostThink - CHANGED. old [ w: 333, l: 334 ]. new [ w: 337, l: 338 ]. ! O: ProcessUserCmds - CHANGED. old [ w: 417, l: 418 ]. new [ w: 421, l: 422 ]. ! O: PlayerRunCmd - CHANGED. old [ w: 418, l: 419 ]. new [ w: 422, l: 423 ]. ! O: IsReadyToSpawn - CHANGED. old [ w: 433, l: 434 ]. new [ w: 437, l: 438 ]. ! O: CanSpeakVoiceCommand - CHANGED. old [ w: 459, l: 460 ]. new [ w: 463, l: 464 ]. ! O: GiveNamedItemTF - CHANGED. old [ w: 471, l: 478 ]. new [ w: 475, l: 482 ]. ! O: GetRadius - CHANGED. old [ w: 231, l: 232 ]. new [ w: 235, l: 236 ]. ! O: DeflectPlayer - CHANGED. old [ w: 404, l: 411 ]. new [ w: -8, l: -1 ]. Windows offsets are (semi-)wild guesses! Signature offsets are wild guesses! ! S: EntityFactory (server) - w: MULTIPLE - l: GOOD ! current: ! w: "\xA1\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xA8\x01\x75\x2A\x83\xC8\x01\xB9\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xA3\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xE8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x68\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xE8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x83\xC4\x04\xB8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xC3" ! l: "@_Z23EntityFactoryDictionaryv" ! S: FireOutput (server) - w: MULTIPLE - l: GOOD ! current: ! w: "\x55\x8B\xEC\x81\xEC\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x53\x8B\xC1" ! l: "@_ZN17CBaseEntityOutput10FireOutputE9variant_tP11CBaseEntityS2_f" S: PhysIsInCallback (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: HandleCommand_JoinClass (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: Dissolve (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: InputCommand (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD ------------------------------------------------------ Game: tf Gamedata: /users/psychonic/gdc/sourcemod-central/gamedata/ O: FVisible - GOOD. current [ w: 142, l: 142 ]. Windows offsets are (semi-)wild guesses! Signature offsets are wild guesses! S: GetStaticData (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD ! S: GetLoadoutSlot (server) - w: NOTFOUND - l: GOOD ! current: ! w: "\x55\x8B\xEC\x56\x8B\xF1\xE8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x8B\x55\x08\x0F\xB7\x40\x14" ! l: "@_ZNK17CTFItemDefinition14GetLoadoutSlotEi" ------------------------------------------------------ Game: tf Gamedata: /users/psychonic/gdc/sourcemod-central/gamedata/smrcon.txt O: RemoteListeners - no Linux symbol, skipping Windows offsets are (semi-)wild guesses! Signature offsets are wild guesses! S: WriteDataRequest (engine) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: CheckPassword (engine) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD ! S: Filter_ShouldDiscard (engine) - w: NOTFOUND - l: GOOD ! current: ! w: "\x55\x8B\xEC\xA1\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x83\xEC\x0C\x8B\x40\x30\x85\xC0" ! l: "@_Z20Filter_ShouldDiscardRK8netadr_s" S: LogCommand (engine) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: OnSocketClosed (engine) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: IsPassword (engine) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: IsPassword (engine) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD ------------------------------------------------------ Game: tf Gamedata: /users/psychonic/gdc/sourcemod-central/gamedata/ O: ISteamGameServer__BeginAuthSession - no Linux symbol, skipping O: ISteamGameServer__EndAuthSession - no Linux symbol, skipping Windows offsets are (semi-)wild guesses! Signature offsets are wild guesses! S: CBaseServer__ConnectClient (engine) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: CBaseServer__CheckChallengeType (engine) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: CBaseServer__RejectConnection (engine) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: CBaseClient__SetSteamID (engine) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD ! S: CBaseServer__CheckMasterServerRequestRestart (engine) - w: NOTFOUND - l: UNKNOWN ! current: ! w: "\xE8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x83\x38\x00\x74\x2A\xE8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x8B\x08\x8B\x01\x8B\x40\x2C\xFF\xD0" ! l: "" S: Steam3Server (engine) - w: UNKNOWN - l: GOOD ------------------------------------------------------ Game: tf Gamedata: /users/psychonic/gdc/sourcemod-central/gamedata/ Windows offsets are (semi-)wild guesses! Signature offsets are wild guesses! S: ProcessAccept (engine) - w: UNKNOWN - l: GOOD S: RunFrame (engine) - w: UNKNOWN - l: GOOD S: HandleFailedRconAuth (engine) - w: UNKNOWN - l: GOOD S: ProcessAccept (engine) - w: GOOD - l: UNKNOWN S: RunFrame (engine) - w: GOOD - l: UNKNOWN S: HandleFailedRconAuth (engine) - w: GOOD - l: UNKNOWN ------------------------------------------------------ Game: tf Gamedata: /users/psychonic/gdc/sourcemod-central/gamedata/bot-control.txt O: CBaseEntity::IsPlayer - no Linux symbol, skipping O: CBaseEntity::ShouldTransmit - GOOD. current [ w: 18, l: 19 ]. O: CBaseEntity::WorldSpaceCenter - no Linux symbol, skipping O: CFilterTFBotHasTag::PassesFilterImpl - no Linux symbol, skipping O: CTFPlayer::EquipWearable - GOOD. current [ w: 430, l: 431 ]. O: CTFPlayer::ShouldGib - GOOD. current [ w: 289, l: 290 ]. O: CTFBot::IsAllowedToPickUpFlag - GOOD. current [ w: 473, l: 474 ]. O: CTFPlayer::IsValidObserverTarget - GOOD. current [ w: 383, l: 384 ]. O: CTFWeaponBase::GetMaxClip1 - GOOD. current [ w: 317, l: 323 ]. O: CCaptureFlag::PickUp - GOOD. current [ w: 224, l: 262 ]. O: m_nWeaponRestrict - no Linux symbol, skipping O: m_Squad - no Linux symbol, skipping O: m_nBotAttrs - no Linux symbol, skipping O: m_flAutoJumpMin - no Linux symbol, skipping O: m_flAutoJumpMax - no Linux symbol, skipping O: m_bMissionBot - no Linux symbol, skipping O: m_bSupportLimited - no Linux symbol, skipping Windows offsets are (semi-)wild guesses! Signature offsets are wild guesses! S: CTFBot::LeaveSquad (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: CTFPlayer::PlaySpecificSequence (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: CTFPlayer::RemoveObject (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: CTFBot::SetMission (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: CTFBot::RealizeSpy (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: CTFBot::GetEventChangeAttributes (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: CCaptureFlag::AddFollower (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: CTFBotMedicHeal::SelectPatient (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: CTFBot::HasTag (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: DispatchParticleEffect (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: CTFBotSquad::GetLeader (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: CWeaponMedigun::AllowedToHealTarget (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD S: CTFPlayer::PostInventoryApplication (server) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD ------------------------------------------------------