Checking game nucleardawn... Expecting version 180413 Using filelist: 'server.txt'. No username given. Using anonymous account with dedicated server subscription. Connecting to Steam3... Done! Logging anonymously into Steam3... Done! Using Steam3 suggested CellID: 10 Got AppInfo for 111710 Got depot key for 1004 result: OK Got depot key for 1005 result: OK Got depot key for 1006 result: OK Got depot key for 17718 result: OK Got AppInfo for 17710 Got depot key for 17711 result: OK Got depot key for 17712 result: OK Got depot key for 111711 result: OK Downloading depot 1004 - Steamworks SDK Redist (WIN32) Downloading depot manifest...Got CDN auth token for result: OK (expires 4/21/2018 2:02:09 PM) Initialized connection to content server (CDN) with depot id 1004 Done! Depot 1004 - Downloaded 0 bytes (0 bytes uncompressed) Downloading depot 1005 - Steamworks SDK Redist (OSX32) Already have manifest 2135359612286175146 for depot 1005. Depot 1005 - Downloaded 0 bytes (0 bytes uncompressed) Downloading depot 1006 - Steamworks SDK Redist (LINUX32) Downloading depot manifest...Got CDN auth token for result: OK (expires 4/21/2018 2:02:09 PM) Re-authed CDN connection to content server (CDN) from 1004 to 1006 Done! Got CDN auth token for result: OK (expires 4/21/2018 2:02:10 PM) Initialized connection to content server (CDN) with depot id 1006 95.22% nucleardawn/ 100.00% nucleardawn/linux64/ Depot 1006 - Downloaded 12234160 bytes (43908221 bytes uncompressed) Downloading depot 17718 - nuclear dawn DS helper Already have manifest 3735901233717536875 for depot 17718. Depot 17718 - Downloaded 0 bytes (0 bytes uncompressed) Downloading depot 17711 - Nuclear Dawn Content Downloading depot manifest...Got CDN auth token for result: OK (expires 4/21/2018 2:02:14 PM) Re-authed CDN connection to content server (CDN) from 1006 to 17711 Done! 100.00% nucleardawn/nucleardawn/steam.inf Depot 17711 - Downloaded 352 bytes (428 bytes uncompressed) Downloading depot 17712 - Nuclear Dawn Windows Engine Downloading depot manifest...Got CDN auth token for result: OK (expires 4/21/2018 2:02:15 PM) Re-authed CDN connection to content server (CDN) from 17711 to 17712 Done! Got CDN auth token for result: OK (expires 4/21/2018 2:02:16 PM) Re-authed CDN connection to content server (CDN) from 1006 to 17712 63.02% nucleardawn/bin/engine.dll 100.00% nucleardawn/nucleardawn/bin/server.dll Depot 17712 - Downloaded 3421360 bytes (11341312 bytes uncompressed) Downloading depot 111711 - Nuclear Dawn LinuxDedicated Engine Downloading depot manifest...Got CDN auth token for result: OK (expires 4/21/2018 2:02:17 PM) Re-authed CDN connection to content server (CDN) from 17712 to 111711 Done! 01.76% nucleardawn/bin/ 04.21% nucleardawn/bin/ 06.19% nucleardawn/bin/ 18.47% nucleardawn/bin/ 08.37% nucleardawn/bin/ 29.77% nucleardawn/bin/ 30.74% nucleardawn/bin/ 31.48% nucleardawn/bin/ 36.39% nucleardawn/bin/ 36.79% nucleardawn/bin/ 37.39% nucleardawn/bin/ 38.34% nucleardawn/bin/ 41.25% nucleardawn/bin/ 49.58% nucleardawn/bin/ 51.27% nucleardawn/bin/ 51.29% nucleardawn/srcds_linux 51.91% nucleardawn/bin/ Got CDN auth token for result: OK (expires 4/21/2018 2:02:18 PM) Got CDN auth token for result: OK (expires 4/21/2018 2:02:18 PM) Re-authed CDN connection to content server (CDN) from 17712 to 111711 Initialized connection to content server (CDN) with depot id 111711 70.66% nucleardawn/bin/ 100.00% nucleardawn/nucleardawn/bin/ Depot 111711 - Downloaded 4254976 bytes (18177215 bytes uncompressed) Total downloaded: 19910848 bytes (73427176 bytes uncompressed) from 7 depots Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/nucleardawn/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/linux64/ nucleardawn/linux64/ File format not recognized Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/bin/ Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/ Done. Dumping symbols from nucleardawn/srcds_linux... Done. checking to see if ./ exists Updating SMRCon repo Already up-to-date. Updating SourceMod repo Already up-to-date. Game: nucleardawn Gamedata: /users/psychonic/gdc/sourcemod-central/gamedata/ O: gEntList - no Linux symbol, skipping O: EntInfo - no Linux symbol, skipping Windows offsets are (semi-)wild guesses! Signature offsets are wild guesses! ! S: LevelShutdown (server) - w: MIDFUNC - l: UNKNOWN ! current: ! w: "\xE8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xE8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xB9\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xE8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xE8" ! l: "" S: gEntList (server) - w: UNKNOWN - l: GOOD ------------------------------------------------------ Game: nucleardawn Gamedata: /users/psychonic/gdc/sourcemod-central/gamedata/ O: s_pTempEntities - no Linux symbol, skipping O: GetTEName - no Linux symbol, skipping O: GetTENext - no Linux symbol, skipping O: TE_GetServerClass - no Linux symbol, skipping O: sv - no Linux symbol, skipping O: SetUserCvar - no Linux symbol, skipping O: SetClientName - no Linux symbol, skipping O: InfoChanged - no Linux symbol, skipping ? O: _ZTV9CCSPlayer - can't find, skipping O: RemovePlayerItem - GOOD. current [ w: 301, l: 302 ]. O: Weapon_GetSlot - GOOD. current [ w: 299, l: 300 ]. O: Ignite - GOOD. current [ w: 234, l: 235 ]. O: Extinguish - GOOD. current [ w: 237, l: 238 ]. O: Teleport - GOOD. current [ w: 128, l: 129 ]. O: CommitSuicide - GOOD. current [ w: 488, l: 488 ]. O: GetVelocity - GOOD. current [ w: 160, l: 161 ]. O: EyeAngles - GOOD. current [ w: 151, l: 152 ]. O: AcceptInput - GOOD. current [ w: 44, l: 45 ]. O: SetEntityModel - GOOD. current [ w: 27, l: 28 ]. O: WeaponEquip - GOOD. current [ w: 292, l: 293 ]. O: Activate - GOOD. current [ w: 36, l: 37 ]. O: PlayerRunCmd - GOOD. current [ w: 466, l: 467 ]. Windows offsets are (semi-)wild guesses! Signature offsets are wild guesses! ! S: CBaseTempEntity (server) - w: NOTFOUND - l: UNKNOWN ! current: ! w: "\x55\x8B\xEC\x8B\xC1\x8B\x4D\x08\xC7\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x89\x48\x04\x8B" ! l: "" S: s_pTempEntities (server) - w: UNKNOWN - l: GOOD ! S: FindEntityByClassname (server) - w: NOTFOUND - l: GOOD ! current: ! w: "\x55\x8B\xEC\x53\x56\x8B\xF1\x8B\x4D\x08\x57\x85\xC9\x74\x16\x8B\x01\x8B\x50\x08\xFF\xD2\x8B\x00\x25\xFF\x0F\x00\x00\x40\x03\xC0\x8B\x3C\xC6\xEB\x06\x8B\xBE\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x85\xFF\x74\x31\x8B" ! l: "@_ZN17CGlobalEntityList21FindEntityByClassnameEP11CBaseEntityPKc" S: sv (engine) - w: UNKNOWN - l: GOOD ! S: FireOutput (server) - w: NOTFOUND - l: GOOD ! current: ! w: "\x55\x8B\xEC\x83\xEC\x14\xD9\x45\x10\x8B\x45\x0C\x56\x8B" ! l: "@_ZN17CBaseEntityOutput10FireOutputE9variant_tP11CBaseEntityS2_f" ------------------------------------------------------ Game: nucleardawn Gamedata: /users/psychonic/gdc/sourcemod-central/gamedata/ Windows offsets are (semi-)wild guesses! Signature offsets are wild guesses! ! S: EntityFactory (server) - w: NOTFOUND - l: GOOD ! current: ! w: "\xB8\x01\x00\x00\x00\x84\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x75\x1D\x09\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xB9\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xE8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x68\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xE8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x83\xC4\x04\xB8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xC3" ! l: "@_Z23EntityFactoryDictionaryv" ------------------------------------------------------ Game: nucleardawn Gamedata: /users/psychonic/gdc/sourcemod-central/gamedata/ O: Blocked - GOOD. current [ w: 121, l: 122 ]. O: EndTouch - GOOD. current [ w: 119, l: 120 ]. O: FireBullets - GOOD. current [ w: 132, l: 133 ]. O: GetMaxHealth - GOOD. current [ w: 136, l: 137 ]. O: GroundEntChanged - GOOD. current [ w: 199, l: 200 ]. O: OnTakeDamage - GOOD. current [ w: 72, l: 73 ]. O: OnTakeDamage_Alive - GOOD. current [ w: 303, l: 304 ]. O: PreThink - GOOD. current [ w: 368, l: 369 ]. O: PostThink - GOOD. current [ w: 369, l: 370 ]. O: Reload - GOOD. current [ w: 292, l: 293 ]. O: SetTransmit - GOOD. current [ w: 22, l: 23 ]. O: ShouldCollide - GOOD. current [ w: 17, l: 18 ]. O: Spawn - GOOD. current [ w: 24, l: 25 ]. O: StartTouch - GOOD. current [ w: 117, l: 118 ]. O: Think - GOOD. current [ w: 56, l: 57 ]. O: Touch - GOOD. current [ w: 118, l: 119 ]. O: TraceAttack - GOOD. current [ w: 70, l: 71 ]. O: Use - GOOD. current [ w: 116, l: 117 ]. O: VPhysicsUpdate - GOOD. current [ w: 177, l: 178 ]. O: Weapon_CanSwitchTo - GOOD. current [ w: 297, l: 298 ]. O: Weapon_CanUse - GOOD. current [ w: 291, l: 292 ]. O: Weapon_Drop - GOOD. current [ w: 294, l: 295 ]. O: Weapon_Equip - GOOD. current [ w: 292, l: 293 ]. O: Weapon_Switch - GOOD. current [ w: 295, l: 296 ]. Windows offsets are (semi-)wild guesses! Signature offsets are wild guesses! ------------------------------------------------------ Game: nucleardawn Gamedata: /users/psychonic/gdc/sourcemod-central/gamedata/smrcon.txt O: RemoteListeners - no Linux symbol, skipping Windows offsets are (semi-)wild guesses! Signature offsets are wild guesses! S: WriteDataRequest (engine) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD ! S: CheckPassword (engine) - w: NOTFOUND - l: GOOD ! current: ! w: "\x55\x8B\xEC\x8B\x45\x14\x53\x56\x8B\x75\x08\x8B\xD9" ! l: "@_ZN19CServerRemoteAccess13CheckPasswordEP11CRConServerjiPKc" ! S: Filter_ShouldDiscard (engine) - w: NOTFOUND - l: GOOD ! current: ! w: "\x55\x8B\xEC\x51\xA1\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x8B\x40\x30\x85\xC0\x75\x2A\x32\xC0\x8B\xE5\x5D\xC3\x8B\x4D\x08" ! l: "@_Z20Filter_ShouldDiscardRK8netadr_s" S: IsPassword (engine) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD ! S: LogCommand (engine) - w: NOTFOUND - l: GOOD ! current: ! w: "\x55\x8B\xEC\xA1\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x83\x78\x30\x00\x57" ! l: "@_ZN19CServerRemoteAccess10LogCommandEjPKc" S: OnSocketClosed (engine) - w: GOOD - l: GOOD ------------------------------------------------------